

icon_01.pngHelp us empower people to achieve self-sufficiency.


What Can My Donation Do?

  • $10 Pays for a 2-hour health and safety training for a family childcare program. 
  • $20 Buys a gas card for a family to drive to work for a week or for an out-of-town medical appointment. 
  • $25 Pays for a person to attend a 12-hour financial literacy course. 
  • $30 Provides a can of baby formula for an infant. 
  • $100 Buys 10 books for a Head Start classroom or provides warm, winter gear for a child. 
  • $150 Pays for eye glasses for a child in need. 
  • $155 Pays for one week of infant childcare for a low-income family. 
  • $200 Pays for a medical or dental appointment for a child. 
  • $500 Provides for car repairs or a set of new tires for a family. 
  • $950 Sponsors a child by paying for a full month of full-day child center services. 
  • $1000 Pays for outfitting for a bathroom to become handicap accessible. 


Donate Today!

You will pay $ once.

You will pay $ monthly, $ over months.

Donor Information

First Name *:
Last Name *:
Email *:

Mailing Address

Apt / Suite #:
Zip/Postal Code:
Country *:
State/Province *:
Other State/Province

Billing Address

Address *:
Apt / Suite #:
City *:
Country / State *:
Zip/Postal Code:

Credit Card Information

First Name *:
Last Name *:
Credit Card Number *:
Credit Card CVV *:
Credit Card Expiration *:
Support us by donating or learn how to maximize the impact of your giving by contacting us.
  • Bequests or Gifts made by a Will or Trust 
  • IRA Charitable Rollover 
  • Beneficiary Designation Gifts 
  • Gifts of Life Insurance